Sunday, December 2, 2007

Snapshot - Claudia's Life Philosophy

OK, so everyone has a life philosophy of some sort, right? Even if we may not be able to articulate it, and have never really thought about it enough to organize it down to a few simple phrases or paragraphs, I'm assuming most of us walk around with a set of beliefs we operate under most of the time. Shoot, that dude that wrote "All I Really Need To Know, I Learned In Kindergarten" made a mint off of writing about his life philosophy, etc. So, at last for public consumption, is Claudia's life philosophy, with the proviso that any and all sections are amendable and rescindable anytime:

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Virtually ANYTHING is possible;
Many things are likely;
Few things are probable;
Virtually NOTHING is definite.

Contrary to popular belief, neither death* nor taxes^ are inevitable.
Neither is much of anything else.

"Common sense" is really not so common.

Very few occurrences are truly accidents or coincidences.

There is, as Benjamin Franklin said, "a Divinity which shapes our ends." There is also free will, and thus we are responsible for the choices we make, and their consequences. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

Love (i.e., caring concern for the other guy) really does make the world go round.

There really isn't a whole lot wrong that a hot bath, a good night's sleep, a change of perspective, the passage of time, and/or one really decent, loyal, compassionate loved one on your side won't fix. Eventually.

We all gotta help each other.

*Genesis 5:24; 2 Kings 3:11
^Please! You don't want to know how many people don't pay taxes. Mobsters, survivalists, etc. And no, the government does not exert itself to catch them all, for many reasons.

OK, so that's my life philosophy. What's yours?

Until next time...

Good vibes to all of you,
